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  • SKU: KITLSB04377/B04081/9780760376546
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  • Condition: NEW

Chevy Gm Ls Engine Swap (3 Book Set)

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GM LS-Series Engines SKU: B04088 The GM LS-Series Engine details all of the steps necessary from concept to completion, including fabrication and installation of motor mounts, wiring, fuel system, and driveline considerations. This is the ultimate guide to installing the LSX in your GM muscle car! Joseph Potak is a professional LS-series engine specialist and technician. He has worked for Texas Speed and Performance since 2002, and caters directly to the performance needs of owners of LSX equipped vehicles. Chevy LS Engine Conversion Handbook SKU: B04081 This is a detailed guide on how to install GM's popular LS small-block engines into just about any other vehicle, the most popular conversion in the aftermarket today. Includes an overview of the Chevy LS series engine, technical details on swapping transmissions, drivetrain, fuel system, wiring and ECU, exhaust and installation. How to Swap GM LS Engines into Almost Anything SKU: B04377 To select the best engine for an LS engine swap, you need to carefully consider the application. Veteran author and LS engine swap master Jefferson Bryant reveals all the criteria to consider when choosing an LS engine for a swap project. You are guided through selecting or fabricating motor mounts for the project. Positioning the LS engine in the engine compartment and packaging its equipment is a crucial part of the swap process, which is comprehensively covered. As part of the installation, you need to choose a transmission crossmember that fits the engine and vehicle as well as selecting an oil pan that has the correct profile for the crossmember with adequate ground clearance. Often the brake booster, steering shaft, accessory pulleys, and the exhaust system present clearance challenges, so this book offers you the best options and solutions. In addition, adapting the computer-control system to the wiring harness and vehicle is a crucial aspect for completing the installation, which is thoroughly detailed.

Author: NA

Author Bio: NA

Publisher: Midlife Classic Cars

Binding Type: NA

Language: NA

Pages: NA

Printing Status: In Print

Edition: NA

Country Made: NA