Japanese & asian car manufacturers books & shop manuals
Explore the rich history and innovation of Japanese and Asian cars with this collection of books showcasing iconic models and their impact on the automotive industry.
Japanese & Asian Car Manufacturers Books & Shop Manuals (53)
F1 Mavericks is the story of the grandest, most influential and most fondly remembered era in Formula 1 racing as seen through the lens of master motorsports photographer, Pete Biro....
Convertibles (in the First Gear series) is a celebration of the classic drop-top, from the earliest of coach cars where convertible style was the norm, to the high-end sports cars...
When Don Devendorf and John Knepp got together to form Electramotive Engineering of El Segundo, California, little did they realise that they were setting in motion a train of events...
Each Haynes manual is written for the do-it-yourselfer and provides step-by-step instructions based on a complete disassembly of the vehicle. This hands-on experience provides the reader with specific and detailed...
The first book of its kind, How to Rebuild the Honda B-Series Engines shows exactly how to rebuild the ever-popular Honda B-series engine. The book explains variations between the different...
Honda, long-time leader in sport-compact and import performance, has replaced its popular B-series engines with the new K-series 4-cylinder engines in many Honda and Acura performance, luxury, and small SUV...
This portfolio traces the exciting life of Honda's rear-wheel drive V-6 'Everyday Supercar' the Honda - Acura in North America - NSX. Included are road, comparison and long term tests,...
Each Haynes manual is written for the do-it-yourselfer and provides step-by-step instructions based on a complete disassembly of the vehicle. This hands-on experience provides the reader with specific and detailed...
Each Haynes manual is written for the do-it-yourselfer and provides step-by-step instructions based on a complete disassembly of the vehicle. This hands-on experience provides the reader with specific and detailed...
With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself€¦from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best...
When it comes to their personal transportation, today s youth have shunned the large, heavy performance cars of their parents generation and instead embrace what has become known as the...
With the acclaimed manuals from Haynes you can get your hands dirty with DIY projects, even if you’re a beginner. This time the spotlight is on the Honda Civic (12-15)...
Complete coverage for your 1999 thru 2014 Hyundai Sonata: Routine maintenance Tune-up procedures Engine Repair Cooling and heating Air conditioning Fuel and exhaust Emissions control Ignition Brakes Suspension and steering...
Complete coverage for your Hyundai Santa Fe for 2001 through 2012:--Routine Maintenance and servicing--Tune-up procedures--Engine, clutch and transmission repair--Cooling system--Fuel and exhaust--Ignition and electrical systems--Brakes, wheels and tires--Steering, suspension and...
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and...
With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best...
Complete coverage for your Mazda3 for 2004 thru 2011. (Does not include information specific to all-wheel drive or turbocharged models): Routine Maintenance Tune-up procedures Engine repair Cooling and heating Air...
This text presents the full story of Mazda's best-selling roadster from its inception in the early 1980s to the present day. It gives year-by-year coverage of events in all the...
An easy to follow guide to restoring a classic Mazda MX-5/Miata – the world’s favourite small sports car. This book takes you step-by-step through choosing a project car, looking the...
With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best...
Haynes manuals are written specifically for the do-it-yourselfer, yet are complete enough to be used by professional mechanics. Since 1960 Haynes has produced manuals written from hands-on experience based on...
The Honda K-Series engine was introduced in 2001, replacing the B-Series as the engine of choice for Honda enthusiasts. These new K-Series engines are the most powerful stock 4-cylinder Honda/Acura...
With the acclaimed manuals from Haynes you can get your hands dirty with DIY projects, even if you’re a beginner. This time the spotlight is on the Honda Civic (12-15)...