Each Haynes manual provides specific and detailed instructions for performing everything from basic maintenance and troubleshooting to a complete overhaul of the machine, in this case the Honda MBX & MTX 125 & MTX 200, model years 1983 through 1993. Do-it-yourselfers will find this service and repair manual more comprehensive than the factory manual, making it an indispensable part of their tool box. A typical Haynes manual covers: general information; troubleshooting; lubrication and routine maintenance; engine top end; engine lower end; primary drive, clutch and external shift mechanism; transmission and internal shift mechanism; engine management system; electrical system; wheels, tires and drivebelt; front suspension and steering; rear suspension; brakes; body, and color wiring diagrams. An index makes the manual easy to navigate.
Author: NA
Author Bio: Haynes Publishing is the worldwide leader in automotive and motorcycle repair, maintenance and customizing manuals. Every manual is written from hand-on experience based on a complete teardown of the machine, which is the step-by-step procedure of dismantling a particular vehicle part-by-part. This is followed by the detailed rebuilding of the model. Hundreds of photos accompany each manual's step-by-step instructions.
ISBN: 9781850109013
Binding Type: Paperback
Illustrations: 662 photos
Language: NA
Pages: 188
Printing Status: In Print
Edition: NA
Country Made: NA