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Patina Volkswagens & Patina: How To Create & Preserve (2 Book Set)

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The overnight success of the 'Hoodride' phenomenon inspired a generation of car fanatics, who couldn't afford to restore a car to show condition but still wanted a good looking cool car. At last, you could be cool and stand out from the crowd on the tiniest of budgets. The look of the cars that resulted was often so honest, unspoiled and characterful, that it began to inspire the media; even Hollywood movie stars and celebrities. Whilst this has undoubtedly resulted in increased car values, and turned a brand of cars that had always been a cheap, honest mode of transportation into something cool with a high price tag, the generation it initially inspired has grown with the hobby, embracing the rising prices, finding ways to still be cool on a tight budget and producing a micro-industry that still manages to embrace the 'Built not bought' ethos. Patina Volkwagens, superbly illustrated with stunning colour photographs, takes an inside look at some of the key car builders, dealers, clubs and hobbyists, as well as the different styles of build, meaning every single car has a style all of its own.

There was a time when a heavily weathered collector car or truck was considered a bit of an eyesore. In fact, if you brought one of these vehicles to a car show more than likely you would receive grief for showing a car with faded paint and surface rust. But not anymore. The era of patina on vehicles has been fully embraced, and rightfully so.

Currently the genre is ripe with creation. Kevin Tetz of Paintucation® has delivered the first book ever on the many variables involved with patina. In step-by-step format, Kevin walks you through creating patina from existing paint, preserving *already there* patina, and painting patina (steel, plastic, glass). Each process is unique and requires its own set of skills, procedures, and tools.

With tens of millions of potential projects to consider, finding the right car or truck to patina shouldn’t be a problem. And now with Patina: How to Create & Preserve you will have the perfect book to guide you through the patina process.

Author: NA

Author Bio: NA

Publisher: Midlife Classic Cars

Binding Type: NA

Language: English

Pages: NA

Printing Status: In Print

Edition: NA

Country Made: NA